Friday, January 30, 2009'♥
Im going to Villa Bali for reunion dinner tonight. =)But im feeling so super duper sleepy. =(
Bordom at work...!
Zombie@1/30/2009 04:44:00 PM
Thursday, January 29, 2009'♥
Back to work after a week's breakFeeling so lazy, my eyes are already closing by now.Angbaos collection this year are rather disappointing.As usual, everywhere were closed for that few daysSo that just adds on to the bordom i already was feelingWent for shi sha on the night of CNY eve.I had peach flavour. And also tried a little of grape & strawberry.It was so not nice. The taste is like so weird and the feeling kinda sucked.Idk if its because we were drinking while puffing the shi-shaBut we felt quite seh. And its not the kinda 'seh' we got from drinking. U know, its another kind.Didnt stay for long. Went for supper and then drank around my place.Visitings on Day 1. Drinkings at night.Slacked at home on Day 2 till night time. Drinkings at night again.I think I've been drinking everynight since last Thursday. Hahas.And now i'm here slacking away. Its only gg 2pm. OMG.I've got like 5 more hours to go and there's nothing to do somemore!Erm.. Ok actually have lah, i gotta match all those damn invoices for finance like asap. They are chasing already.But im too stoned & sleepy to go work on it now. Hahas. Laters.Oh, i bought monopoly during lunch just now. For just 10 bucks! Fucking cheap!*Chant* I wanna play I wanna play I wanna play. =pI cant tahan already. My eyelids are super heavy im trying so hard to stay awake.N im having headache again. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zombie@1/29/2009 01:36:00 PM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009'♥
HELLOS.the very first thing firstI CUT MY HAIR SHORT!N i'm starting to miss my long hair now. =(I CHANGE MY SKIN TOO.Kinda plain huh? But nvm. I want it to be just simple.Credits to Ongling for helping me with it. Thx! =)Im too tired to blog already and my headache is so fucking terrible! ARGH!Just upload the pictures i have for CNY first and i'll blog again soon.BYES.

Me & Ching Ah Seng

CNY Day 1

The Process..

Ng Ah Lian & Me

During Shi-Sha (LOLS KLJ)

Before Shi-Sha
Zombie@1/28/2009 10:47:00 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009'♥
chinatown last evening
it was only Tues and its already like that packed
thank god we manage to squeeze out for some fresh air before we die there
then when we were abt to go over to the other street
we passed by this aunty along the pavement selling pok-pok!!!
OMG!!! once she went.. "lai POK-POK"
str8 away I u-turn back to her, grinning to myself like a damn idiot. HAHAS.
so excited can!!! i seldom see Pok-poks ard anymore
my grandfather used to buy those for all of us kids every CNY
n i miss them so much u knowwww.
HEH! HEH! ^_^
it also brought back some childhood memories. =)
dinner, chilled and then back home.
its weird
that i actually am looking forward to CNY
the funs n dolling myself up with new clothes & stuffs
i cant wait cant wait cant wait la
only thing, i dread visitings.
plans for CNY
i hope they turn out well n FUN. =)
they make us go on stupid 'shutdown' holidays
n i just realised they fucking hell deducted 8days NPL from me!
EIGHT DAYS abt 500 - 600 OK!!!
FUCK THEM! thats so fucking much!
my credit card bill is already like gg 500!
how the fuck am i gonna survive for the month aft paying off my CC bill!
Zombie@1/21/2009 10:16:00 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009'♥
met up with mel for dinner at blu' jaz last evening
oh boy! super awesome place pls!
great food. great ambience.
P E R F E C T .
i so wanna go back there again!
n this time, with pictures back~
girls talks and some good laugh at silly random stuffs
its been really long since i last felt this way
really. thanks. =)
quit taking things for granted before its all too late.
things r gonna get outta control soon.
dont push it further.
Zombie@1/20/2009 03:24:00 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009'♥
im feeling so lethargic
feeling the blues though its on a thurs
ahah damn shit isnt it
time is always running out
its never enough for me
ive got so much to do
but things are always left undone
whats the fucking problem with me!
where does it exactly lies in.
seriously. idk.
i just wish to sleep my way through.
Zombie@1/15/2009 12:45:00 PM